Wallace J. Rogers, Ph.D.

Founder, Author and Researcher


Frank Lloyd Wright at the Drawing Table


Master Architect


Friedrich Froebel forged an impelling educational strategy unprecedented for teaching children, and named the system Kindergarten, which in English means Children's Garden. Similar in aim to caring for a flower or vegetable garden, the purpose of the original German Kindergarten was to nurture the growth and development of young people.

Frank Lloyd Wright at 9 Froebel's Kindergarten was established as a balanced program for academic and vocational studies made up of twenty-four sets of playthings, each with essential qualities of geometric forms, organized according to constructions of solids, planes, lines and points.

Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel (1782-1852) as a young boy studied nature near his uncle's home and as a woodsman in the Thuringian forest, possessing a special knack for collecting, drying and classifying life forms, and almost anything that the local flora had to offer.

Later, spending time with his brother at the university in Jena, Froebel's studies included mathematics, mineralogy, geometry, chemistry, house building, architecture, land surveying and topographical drawing.

Letting go of a short-lived dream of becoming a practicing architect, Froebel settled on a career in education, accepting a teaching position at the Frankfurt Model School in 1805, with its founder a protege of Pestalozzi, a believer in hands-on learning for children of all ages. Schooled in new theories and philosophies of modern education, Froebel focused attention on the strengths and capabilities of youth - from birth upward to age twenty.

Schoolmaster      Master Architect      Mineralogy

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