Wallace J. Rogers, Ph.D.

Founder, Author and Researcher


Frank Lloyd Wright at the Drawing Table


Child Play

German Kindergarten

Learning Forms

Throughout the bona fide German Kindergarten curriculum, children are challenged to think about and act on Gifts and Occupations, resulting in different, but genuinely related geometric ways for creating two-dimensional figures and three-dimensional bodies. Frank Lloyd Wright, having mastered the workings of Froebel's Kindergarten, applied the same systematic process to his highly successful, and sometimes controversial, architectural practices.

PointsNature, Knowledge and Beauty Forms portray the essence of Froebel's education system. Self-expression and free play, within certain parameters developed by Froebel for the introduction of Gifts and Occupations, lead to the construction of products based on straightforward rules and the simplest learning conditions. The education process embodies the development of the whole child, continuously striving for self-motivation, discovery, originality and critical analysis.

Froebel in the development of Kindergarten Gifts, and Occupations, through manipulative execises removes the concrete matter of geometric solids, step by step, arriving at the abstract point - the highest level of analysis.

Child Play
German Kindergarten      Learning Forms

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