Froebel's Kindergarten

Wallace J. Rogers, Ph.D.

Founder, Author and Researcher

Authentic Froebel's German Kindergarten

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Young Architect

Child Play





Serious interest in Frank Lloyd Wright began for me in 1993 with a visit to SAMARA at the personal invitation of Dr. John E. Christian, owner and original client of the famous archetect.

My research and studies were sparked after being fascinated with Frank Lloyd Wright's claim that he began to see everything this way - referring to the architect's references to his childhood studies in Froebel's Kindergarten.

The natural geometric progression of Froebel's "playthings" provided Frank Lloyd Wright with a novel perspective, framework and approach to view architecture as a way of thinking and finding solutions to human societal problems.

Fundamental shapes and angles found in Wright's earliest architectural renderings paved the way for exploration and study that can be traced back to beginnings in Froebel's Kindergarten taught to him by his savvy and well-informed mother.

So far my passion for understanding Wright's account has culminated in the publication of Close-Up View of Froebel's Kindergarten with Frank Lloyd Wright at the Drawing Table in its entirety consisting of eight major sections, made up of 1056 pages, divided into 27 chapters. Excerpts taken from the first four sections of the book appear on these Web pages under the following headings - Introduction, Young Architect, Child Play, The Gifts, The Occupations and Unity.

Close-Up View of Froebel's Kindergarten
with Frank Lloyd Wright at the Drawing Table

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