Froebel's Kindergarten
Mason City Study Group
Moving On

Pat and Joanne decided at the time that they were in over their heads and should try something "easier" knowing that one learns to build by building. Together, they tackled another Life Form illustrated in the Kindergarten Guide.

And it wasn't too much easier either, but managed to put it together. Joanne was amazed at the way one small triangle (half cube) can hold up a cube on its edge so we could at least get the end pieces to hold up on their long as we didn't breathe!

Through it all, Joanne and Pat considered this to be their major accomplishment for the day, and they had a lot of fun!

January 13, 2014
Joanne Hardinger, Pat Schultz, James Faulkner

A Frank Lloyd Wright Save Is A Froebel's Kindergarten Save

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