Froebel's Kindergarten
Mason City Study Group

The wooden connected slats are fastened together with metal rivets so that the joints freely rotate. The corners of each slat are rounded off, which makes for distinct angles when manipulated by the hands. The slats represent the connected edges or lines of shapes and forms.

To illustrate the fascination of this, Pat fetched from the WOTP Gift Shop an ornament made from a Frank Lloyd Wright window design. Each panel of the pattern is comprised of two-dimensional intersecting lines that cause an optical effect of what angles look like from different points of view.

They know for example that the lower-most corner of this ornament is a right angle, but when viewed with perspective, it appears to the eyes as an obtuse angle.

To make these unique patterns, Wright bisected identical panels at 90 degrees. As the ornament in this case rotates a phantasmagoria; that is, a confusing or strange scene like a dream appears because the pattern is always changing in diverse ways.

November 10, 2015
Joanne Hardinger, Pat Schultz, Gretchen King

A Frank Lloyd Wright Save Is A Froebel's Kindergarten Save

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