Froebel's Kindergarten
Mason City Study Group
Early On

Continuing with Third Gift play, Nature Forms were created following the Kindergarten Guide. The hands-on exercises as illustrated involves creativity and imagination in forming them and when adding stories and songs, which enables a child to create their own world and play different roles.
Though the players don't relate to all of the 19th century forms of life in the guide book, they understand the concept in modern terms - such as, tunnel, arm-chair, station-house, clock and window.
Likewise, the merry songs are far from today's culture, but noted that the songs reinforce the lessons. They learned that using the grid helps to accurately place the blocks, as accurate placement of the parts is critical to the success of a structure's balance and stability.
The group found that when transitioning from one life form to another, so as to move the least number of blocks in the most efficient way to go from one form to the next.
In moving the blocks, as shown in exercises 42-47, the structures are never completely destroyed but rather separate parts are used to change a previous form into a new one.

The Froebel Study Group met on February 7th, 2013
Participants were Joanne Hardinger, Pat Schultz, Bob McCoy, Peggy Bang, Judy Wagner, Holly Brinkman and Savianna

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