Froebel's Kindergarten
Mason City Study Group
Early On

In the Third Gift, which parallels a child's curiosity to take things apart, the whole is precisely divided, creating eight new wholes that are identical to each other.
The close relationship between the parts and the whole instills a sense of order and completeness, since all the blocks are used.
Forms of Knowledge Exercises teach Basic Arithmetic: counting, grouping, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The study group was impressed through child-play, how children learn many concepts, language, directions, mathematical relationships,abstract presentation, balance, order, efficiency of movement; and so much more directly and indirectly through guided play at their own pace.
The learning process progresses from the simple to the more elaborate, with each step leading naturally to the next. Playing on grid networks ensures the placement of the 3-D eight one-inch square cubes proportionally to each other, whereby children learn that spatial relationships exist between the cubes, mirrored exactly upon the 2-D one-square inch grid lines.

The Froebel Study Group met on February 7th, 2013
Participants were Joanne Hardinger, Pat Schultz, Bob McCoy, Peggy Bang, Judy Wagner, Holly Brinkman and Savianna

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