Froebel's Kindergarten
Mason City Study Group
Moving On

As a prelude to studies of Gift 5, Joanne admitted that she was struggling with the best way to approach studies of this larger Divided Cube.
Recognizing that Gift 5 is divided twice in both directions (horizonally and vertically), the larger cube has more parts and different forms!
She observed that we have multiples of 3 which will become more evident when doing "the math" of the knowledge forms.
The cube-shaped parts of the Third Gift are the same size as the cubes of Fifth Gift. Therefore the same relationships apply between the cubed parts of Gifts 3 and 5.
The issue at hand focused on how to best lead the study group: Follow the Kindergarten Guide or permit "free play" as a means to acquaint themselves with the shapes found in Gift 5 and among its parts.
Based on Joanne's accounts over the course of several more study sessions, the group performed admirably in grasping Froebel's lessons.

December 30, 2013
Joanne Hardinger, James Faulkner, Gretchen King, Peggy Bang, Pat Schultz

A Frank Lloyd Wright Save Is A Froebel's Kindergarten Save
A Froebel's Kindergarten Save Is Like A Frank Lloyd Wright Save

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