Froebel's Kindergarten
Mason City Study Group
Early On

Since the group was still working through Gift Four, and with enough individual sets available, each member of the study group followed the Kindergarten Guide, and grid, and used the eight bricks (oblongs), to construct Forms of Life.
Working in sequence as illustrated in the guide, participants moved one or two oblongs at a time to transform from one life form to another, which took good observation to see what parts of a form needed to be moved to create the next one in the series.
One learns to observe a structure from all angles and to see the parts in relation to the whole looking for possible ways to reposition the blocks to attain the desired results. This process is a key component of Froebel's Kindergarten, which is to observe and ask: How are these two structures alike? How are they different? And go from there.
All players were very quiet! Intently and successfully figuring out how to play with Gift 4, in a short period of time.

April 11, 2013
Bob McCoy, Joanne Hardinger, Pat Schultz, Peggy Bang, Holly Hinterman and Gretchen King

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