Froebel's Kindergarten
Mason City Study Group
Early On

In preparation, the members read about the First Gift (The Ball) on their own from the Kindergarten Guide with plans to start learning about Gift 2 together. The study group noted that Froebel play is very diverse and imaginative and begins with just one simple ball on a string.
They were impressed with the multiple ways that a parent can engage a child with one ball then two, three, ect.; even color combinations, noting shape, form, motion, cause and effect, accompanied by speech.
The group compared Froebel's approach to the manner that most teachers teach and students learn in our schools and classrooms today. The discussion took this philosophical turn because the individuals are very familiar with public education. The participants included Pat Schultz, Peggy Bang, Judy Wagner, Bob McCoy and Joanne Hardinger.
The Second Gift introduces the three fundamental forms: The Sphere, Cylinder, & Cube. They are whole and solid forms, and therefore "one unit". Rotations of the wood solids on strings exhibit the idea of "axis".

The Froebel Study Group began its journey on Dec. 13th, 2012.
The participants met at the Robert E. McCoy Architectural Interpretive Center
associated with the Stockman House and the River City Society for Historic Preservation.

A Frank Lloyd Wright Save Is A Froebel's Kindergarten Save

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